Storytelling sessions offer children contextualized language input and shared common ground for events and topics. Picturebooks are sources for stories in English FL/L2 that can mediate between the storyteller and the children, and the children and the environment through words and images. They promote the exchange of questions and answers, inference drawing, interpreting and searching for information.
The workshop will present and discuss resources and strategies to promote an effective approach to English FL/L2 through ecosustainable narration. The workshop focuses on selection criteria of children’s picturebooks, techniques and strategies for storytelling, good practices for group dynamics and interaction and respect for children’s communicative preferences.
To take part in the workshop you need a B2 competence level in English (listening and speaking).
The workshop is part of the English Language Laboratory V held by Prof. Maria Bortoluzzi. The participants in the workshop who will complete the activities will have the English Language Laboratory 5 recognised.
Depending on the Covid-19 situation and the measures adopted by the University of Udine, the workshop can be online or face to face. The venue of the workshop will be decided and communicated to the participants via email by May 17th.
La partecipazione al workshop è a numero chiuso (max. 15 corsisti/e) previa iscrizione da effettuarsi entro venerdì 14 maggio inviando una email a:
Elisa.bertoldi(at)uniud.it indicando un recapito telefonico.