We Planted a Tree (2010) was written by Diane Muldrow and illustrated by Bob Staake. The story begins by showing two families planting a tree in two very different parts of the world. The story develops showing to the reader how the trees grow and change throughout the seasons. In the picturebook, the main protagonist is the tree. Much space is dedicated to the reflection on the role of trees in the ecosystems, providing concrete examples of their positive influence on the lives of other creatures.


Thanks to this picturebook it is possible to present the role of the trees in the ecosystem reflecting on the implications of planting and growing plants and trees and stimulating children’s curiosity towards botany. The book gives detailed information about plant life and it contribute to gathering scientifically correct knowledge about plants.

In the written text, the sentence “We planted a tree” (Muldrow & Staake, 2010), is repeated in every double spread page producing musicality and predictability. The written text offers specific expressions related to the parts of a tree, these are accompanied by illustrations that show specific items. The relation between text and images is enhancing and this allows children to develop reflections on alternative scenarios. The different colours used in the illustrations are related to different context in order to symbolize the positive consequences that the presence of the trees has on the environment.