What is TALES?

TALES is an initiative based on the collaboration between the Department of Languages ​​and Literatures, Communication, Education and Social Studies of the University of Udine (DILL) and cultural associations and institutions.
The partnership between the University Department and institutions such as museums, libraries and natural parks is aimed to promote eco-sustainable communication among new generations through research and dissemination activities.


What are the aims of the initiative?

The initiatives TALES is aimed at promoting citizenship education through storytelling and read-aloud sessions in English FL/L2 among teachers, student teachers and students of nursery, primary and secondary schools. Through the art of storytelling and through multimodal and multisensory activities, TALES promotes the exploration of the environment, the observation of nature and the reflection on the importance of being custodians of our land. English FL/L2  offers a new perspective on environmental issues emphasizing their global relevance.



As part of the project, initiatives are organized for groups of children from kindergarten to upper secondary school. Training activities are planned for in-service teachers, future teachers, educators, parents and staff who work within cultural institutions. All events will be posted in the section Iniziative



TALES is part of the PhD research project:

"Weaving English around narrative frameworks of children's picturebooks: theoretical and practical approaches for the use of picturebooks in English as a foreign/second language"

The research project is aimed at  analyzing interactions between adults and children during read-aloud sessions in English as an Additional Language. TALES is the context of obsewrvation and data gathering for researching picturebook mediation for language and citizenship education through multim odal coimmunication.