The Dinosaur Expert (2018) written by Margaret McNamara and illustrated by G. Brian Karas tells the story of Kimmy, a girl with a great passion for fossils and dinosaurs. One day Kimmy and her class visit a natural history museum and the girl is amazed by the wonderful exhibition of dinosaurs. During the visit, she shares with her classmates all she knows about the topic, until a boy tells her that girls cannot become scientists. Luckily, during the visit Kimmy stares at an enormous dinosaur skeleton, and she discovers that it was found by a woman scientist. Kimmy’s passion and enthusiasm for palaeontology emerges and the visit to the museum becomes an unforgettable experience.
This picturebook in an invitation for young readers and listeners to discover different species of dinosaurs and provides information about their origins and characteristics. Kimmy’s story contributes to involving emotionally those who read or listen to it, because this is a current and relevant topic. The written text includes scientific terms, such as dinosaur names. However, this complex terminology is always complemented by detailed illustrations that facilitate comprehension. Furthermore, there are several dialogues that make the story engaging and involving and can promote a positive approach to the English language during read-aloud sessions. By observing the illustrations and through the read-aloud talk storytellers can offer children the opportunity to expand on the content of the written text, adding information about dinosaurs or focusing on Kimmy’s emotions.