Blue on Blue (2014) was written by Dianne White and illustrated by Beth Krommes. In this picturebook, a family experiences the entire range of phenomena that characterise a rainstorm in the countryside: from the strong winds and first drops, to torrential rain and puddles of mud when the sun comes out again! The rain is described in a poetic and detailed way. The authors depict and describe the changes that it causes to the environment and the consequences it has on other living beings. During the rainstorm the family stays inside the house, the animals find a shelter, and everyone waits for it to stop while they admire the pouring rain. When the sun comes out everybody gets out to enjoy the fresh air until the night comes.


This picturebook can be used to present atmospheric phenomena to children as something to admire and enjoy. The text is concise and it is written in rhymes. There are repetitions in the written text that not only do they facilitate the memorization of new expressions, but they also remind the readers/listeners of the persistence of rain. This picturebook is based on an enhancing interplay between the written text and the illustrations. The images offer to the storyteller the opportunity to expand on the content of the picturebook through the use of read-aloud talk.